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Bento box by Schoollunchbox

10 Big Lunch Ideas, for Little Lunch Boxes

[Feature image: @schoollunchbox]

Back to school (yes!), also means back to school lunch boxes (boo!).  We all know how important it is for our children to have a balanced, nutritious diet but we also know how fussy they can be and how difficult it is to come up with a varied plan. I’ll be the first to admit, that there have been times when my kids have had a cheese and tomato wrap day after day, week after week! However, after some online sleuthing, I discovered some fantastic, healthy alternatives – which are also a cinch to prep.

1. Vegemite Scrolls


[Source: The Organised Housewife]

These crowd-pleasing vegemite scrolls are super easy to make! All you need is three ingredients – vegemite,  puff pastry and cheese. If your child isn’t a vegemite lover then you could also try pizza scrolls (substitute vegemite with a tomato sauce/paste), cheese and ham or spinach and feta.

2. Mini Croissants & ‘Sand-lings’

Mini Croissants - Schoollunchbox

[Source: @schoollunchbox]

For some creative bento-style lunch boxes, you need to check out Insta-famous Geelong father-of-two, George Georgievski’s instagram account – @schoollunchbox. You will find heaps of simple, healthy and package-free lunch ideas as well as some top tricks and time-saving hacks! From simple homemade mini-croissants, to bite-sized ‘sand-lings’ (dumpling shaped sandwiches made with a cookie cutter), the ‘rav-wich’ (ravoli shaped sandwiches) to an array of rainbow coloured bento box lunch ideas!

Schoollunchbox - bento lunch

3. Mini-Pizzas

Mini Pizza
[Source: The Organised Housewife]

Delicious mini-pizzas using an easy two-ingredient pizza base recipe (flour + greek yoghurt). There are endless topping options to cater for all needs – including: bacon, salami, sausage, to mushroom, cherry tomatoes and pineapple!

4. Zucchini Chocolate Muffins

Zucchini muffins

[Source: Mandy Sacher, Wholesome Child featured on]

Packed-full of vegetables, these chocolate zucchini muffins are a perfect little treat to add to your child’s lunch box. Simple to make using a blender with sweet potato, banana and zucchini, they taste surprisingly delicious and super healthy!

5. Quesadillas


[Source: Kidspot]

A quick lunchtime fix and so simple to make! Quesadillas are a great way to use up food you already have in the fridge (including leftovers). You could add different fillings like shredded chicken, feta and pesto or roast beef, tomato and cheese.

6. Rice Paper Rolls

Rice paper rolls

Slightly more time-consuming, but a huge favourite in our household. Bursting with fresh flavours and ingredients, these rice paper rolls are a great addition to any lunch box.

7. Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls

Sausage rolls
[Source: My Fussy Eater]

Sausage rolls are great to make up in a big batch and they’re freezer-friendly too. Kids will love these – made with puff pastry packed with carrot, zucchini, and sausage meat.

8. Zucchini Slice

Zucchini Slice
[Source: The Organised House Wife]

Healthy, simple, and easy to make, this zucchini slice recipe makes a tasty lunch box snack. It’s also great for using up whatever’s left in the fridge at the end of the week!

9. Pasta Salad

Pasta Salad
[Source: My Fussy Eater]

Get creative with a colourful pizza pasta salad using with salami, cherry tomatoes, black olives and cheese.

10. Black Bean Brownies

Chocolate brownies
[Source: Mandy Sacher, Wholesome Child]

It’s hard to believe that these chocolately brownies are made with black beans. Full of protein and fibre, these are the perfect lunch box treat and your child will never know how wholesome they really are 🙂

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