The 1000 Books Before School program – hosted by libraries all over Sydney – is all about encouraging reading in whatever way works best for your family. Whether it’s a book you’ve read together at home, a story from kinder, a library Storytime session, or your child’s dog-eared old favourite, log them all in your 1000 Books Before School reading record pack. You’ll also earn rewards at every step of your journey.
There is no fee to join. Simply complete a form, collect your starter-pack, and start reading!
Early literacy skills are essential an building block for lifelong learning beyond primary and high school. Research shows that reading with a child several times a week develops their literacy skills up to a year beyond their peers.
It’s easier than you might think to read 1000 books.
If you read three books a day, you can read more than 1000 books in a year. If you read just one book a day, you will finish in less than 3 years.
Repetition is great for developing early literacy skills, so if you read the same book more than once, you can count it each time you read.
Every book that your child completes, or actively listens to, counts. This includes stories read at Storytime sessions, day-care and kindergarten, even the same book over and over again.
1. Register your child
Visit your local library to sign up either via the Reader Zone app or to collect a reading log. Your child will need their own library card to join and will receive a starter kit at registration.
2. Read
Every time you read a book in any language with your child, log the book either on the app or reading log. Books read at story time, home, playgroup and childcare can all be counted; so can eBooks or videos of books, including Story Box Library.
3. Visit and collect
After 100 books, visit the library for your very special library bag and your first badge. Then keep collecting badges for every 100 books read.
4. Finish!
The program finishes when your child starts school or reads 1,000 books, whichever comes first. When your child finishes the program, they can collect their certificate and prize pack and have their photo on the wall of fame.
How old does my child have to be to start the program?
Your child can begin any time before they turn six. You can even register your newborn baby!
How do I register for the program?
Visit your library to register and collect your free starter kit.
Does my child need a library card to join the program?
Yes. Getting a library card is FREE and simple.
Can I count the same book over and over?
Yes. Repetition is important for learning so record every time you re-read a favourite book.
Can I count books that are read to my child by other people or at programs like Story Time?
Yes. Every book that your child completes, or actively listens to, can be counted.
Do we have to read library books?
No. Any book that is read counts – whether it’s a library book, your own book or a friend’s book.
Can I count audiobooks?
As long as your child listens to the whole book, it counts.
Can I count books read to my child before I registered for the program?
No. Just start counting books from the moment you receive your first reading log.
We’ve listed some councils that are participating in the program. Can’t see your local council? Check their site or call them direct as they may have updated their details after this post has been published