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Anti Grabbity – a New Safety Device to Keep Kids Falling off Balconies

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As a kid, I remember thinking balconies were so much fun. High up, great views and fun to climb on, sit on the rail, swing around etc. My mother was terrified of heights and would tell us not to muck around like that. As a kid, I’d roll my eyes and think she was overreacting. Now I am a mother in a high rise apartment, I understand her fear.
At Christmas, my family and I moved to a high rise with a balcony. While we implemented rules, have locks installed on the door, keep the balcony clear of things the kids can climb on while on the balcony and never allow them to be out on the balcony without an adult present, I still have heart attacks over it and for good reason. Each year over 50 children fall from balconies causing serious injury, sometimes death. With all the ways to ensure a balcony is safer, why wouldn’t you do everything possible to keep your children safe within their own home?
Recently, I came across Anti Grabbity which is a simple safety device you can install on your balcony to prevent children climbing and swinging on it, suitable for homeowners and renters. You measure your balcony, order however many metres you need then use the cable ties and strips to attach it to your balcony. When you move out you can cut the ties off and no one would know the difference.
It was quick and easy to install Anti Grabbity and now my kids don’t grab on to my balcony rail. The spikes are clear plastic, don’t pierce the skin but they poke you when you go to grab on.
I still don’t allow my children out there unsupervised but I don’t have to worry about them swinging or climbing up now.
Just like I wouldn’t put my kids in the car without ensuring their seat belts are firmly secured, I now wouldn’t have a balcony without Anti Grabbity.
How do you keep your balcony safe?
Article supplied by:
Kylie Travers

From homeless single mum to multi-award winning CEO, Speaker, Author, Writer and Charity Ambassador

About Author


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