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What you need to know about school marks


As parents, we want to see our child keep improving. “Baby steps” as we used to say; every little step that keeps them moving forward is a step in the right place. We all know that our teenagers have the potential to become one of the best. Academically, speaking if we want our teenagers to be at the top, they need to show the marks.

But my question to you is, do you know where the marks are and how to get them?

Through basic analysis of school assessment schedules, this is how school marks work:

Final School marks = Assessment Tasks marks + exam marks

You see, parents keep telling their child to study, study, study and study some more. And then BAM! The child retaliates, mum gets angry, child stops listening. This is a very common situation.

But did you know that school assessment tasks mark account for approximately 50-70% of the final school marks? And the rest of the school marks are tested by exams? Hint: To perform at your very best and get the desired results, your main focus should be on the assessment tasks and NOT the exams!

Final School marks = Assessment Tasks marks + exam marks

100%               =           60%                      +            40%

Of course, this is a general rule, the percentages will vary for different subjects and different school. To have a correct reflection, please refer to your child’s assessment schedule.

Studying content is important. However, your child also needs to spend more time learning how to write clear, concise, impactful and well-organized assessment tasks.

The moral of the story is, how well you write in the school assessment task will get you the most marks as opposes to the “study harder” approach. Reason being, if your child keeps studying a poor essay, they will be receiving a poor mark.

However, from past experience, you can write an essay or a report and keep refining it over and over but still not get the marks. Do you know why?

It is because your child is refining their assessment task with the same level of knowledge they currently have. To ACTUALLY improve your child’s school marks, you need someone more experienced, with more understanding and with better written communication skills to actually point out the flaws. Fix the flaws. Get the marks.

Where can your child find someone like this? Well, it is much closer to home than you think. The help can start with YOU. As a parent, you can help review your child’s assessment. But the reality is, we’re all tired from working, cooking and cleaning up all their bloody mess. And then when we try to help them with school to – they don’t listen! 

Maybe, you have a family friend? Someone who has done well in school to help you out. But sometimes it can be a bit awkward you know? It could be annoying to constantly ask someone for help when they could be busy with their own life.

Then you have MarkItUp. It is an online assessment review service for parents who have children in year 10-12. And their job is to do exactly this. They have highly qualified academicians; teachers and students who can help you child get the highest marks in the assessment tasks. MarkItUp will guide your child to proof read and point out key areas in the assessment tasks they need to improve upon.

Best of all, MarkitUP provides parents with an estimated mark or grade they can use to assess their child’s performance. Remember, once you submit that assessment there is no going back. MarkitUP reduces the risk for parents by guiding their children through the process of scoring high in the assessment tasks.

Personally, I think the best part of MarkitUP’s service is that you get access to previous HSC students who have achieved an ATAR of 90+, qualified teachers to help you in all SUBJECTS offered by the Board of Studies in the comfort and convenience of online instruction. Pretty amazing right? You no longer have to worry about ANY SUBJECT!

If you are interested in MarkitUP, you can visit their website: . To get started, simply fill in your details, upload your child’s assessment task and they will send you an annotated assessment back.

They are also giving away their most valuable secret! The highly successfully and proven step-by-step system: How to prepare and write a TOP BAND assessment task here:

This system has been proven to be effective by top achieving students!

I hope this helps! Good luck!

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  • Rachel Lawrence
    08/09/2016 at 2:26 am

    I have heard that MarkItUp is good, especially for high school students. Another resource some of my mum’s friends use for their kids is a company called Greater Understanding Tuition Services or just the textbook ‘Manipulate Your Marker.’ It’s a really good, comprehensive guide to the basic skills and techniques students need to succeed in high school.

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