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Children's Panadol Tea Talks hosts

Episode 3: Tea Talks Parenting Series – From Birth to Beyond

The first few years of being a parent is filled with blissful moments and sometimes, a few unexpected challenges as you begin to guide your little one through this new, big world. From teething to toilet training, separation anxiety to sibling rivalries. We’re supporting Children’s Panadol’s new ‘Tea Talks’ series – a time for busy parents to make a hot cup of tea and hear from real mums and experts on topics that matter to parents.

In the last episode, hosts Sarah Kearns and Cathy Shortt will answer all the most popular questions that they receive as leaders in their fields, providing golden nuggets of wisdom from their own experiences to help you navigate parenting children aged 0-8yrs.


  • Wednesday 16 December, 8pm

Head over to the Children’s Panadol Facebook page to RSVP.

About the hosts:

Sarah Kearns is a mum of three and passionate about building a community or parents, helping them to feel supported across their parenting journey.

Cathy Shortt is a mum and trusted expert in women’s health, pre-pregnancy, antenatal care and education, pregnancy, labour and birth.

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