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Learn circus skills at Aerialize’s school holiday program

Swing your kids over to Aerialize for its winter holidays programs. It has two programs for you to choose from:

Circus Dayz

Week 1: 4 – 8 July
Week 2: 11 – 15 July

For students aged: ​5 – 16 years

Spend the day at the circus with our School Holiday Program. Students will swing, climb, tumble, acro, spin and bounce through the day with all the circus essentials – trapezes, tissus, aerial rings, hula hoops, juggling, acrobatics, mini tramp and a whole lot more.

Performance Studio

Week 1 (only): 4 – 8 July

*8 – 16 years

This class is for the serious circus stars. A week-long studio course that will cover all the basic circus and aerial skills but goes one step further. This is a course that will also look at performance skills, with students working towards a mini-showcase for family, friends and carers at the end of the week.

Head to for all the info.

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