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April 2025, School Holidays Activity Guide


Get noticed in our April Holidays Activity Guide, featuring local kids workshops for preschool or primary school-aged kids in the Inner West.

Our activity guides are a fantastic opportunity for your business to reach over 50,000 local families across our Facebook, Instagram, website and email marketing campaigns!

Every business that is included in our Activities Guide will also receive five standalone posts for your business across our social media platforms:

  • Facebook post on our IWM Facebook page – 21,000 followers/likes
  • Facebook post on our closed IWM group page – 32,600 members
  • Facebook story
  • Instagram post – 8, 700 followers
  • Instagram story x 2
  • Inclusion in our guide which is sent to our 16 000 subscribers as a stand alone email.

As part of our new offering – for higher visibility – all businesses will be listed at the top of the guide with a direct link to each business entry.

Our guide will also be promoted through email marketing and our IWM fortnightly newsletter.

Cost: $155 plus GST 

Free inclusions for all Diamond Listing holders. For everyone that upgraded to a Diamond Level , please fill out this form and leave the page when taken to the payment stage.

*Once you fill in the form and click on BOOK NOW, please wait for a couple of seconds and you ll be directed to the payment page.


The cost of inclusion in the activity guide remains the same, including five social media posts per business, is $155 +GST (usually valued at $399 +GST).

Closing date: Tuesday  18th March

    Is it available online*?


    Active Kids or Creative Kids Provider?

    Active KidsCreative Kids

    Upload one image below, less than 1Mb, in Png or Jpg format*.


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