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Do-Re-Mi Music for Children classes involve carefully sequenced learning through singing, movement, dance, listening activities, musical games, percussion instruments and ultimately by school age, reading, writing, creating and performing. Do-Re-Mi caters for children 0-8 years.

Classes are lots of fun and develop many skills such as musical, listening, memory, coordination and socialisation. Scientific research indicates that music can enhance all other learning as it stimulates the neural pathways in the brain which are developing rapidly during early childhood. Children can gain confidence, self esteem and a sense of well being through these engaging, interactive classes.
The classes are conducted using colourful, high quality materials in a comfortable, secure and vibrant learning environment.
Beyond the Do-Re-Mi classes children can progress to learning instruments such as the piano. In addition to Do-Re-Mi classes, Allegro Childrens Music offers exciting, fun  piano classes as well as individual lessons in piano, musicianship and theory of music.
Classes are conducted by Bernadette Talese.


Do-Re-Mi Music for Children classes involve carefully sequenced learning through singing, movement, dance, listening activities, musical games, percussion instruments and ultimately by school age, reading, writing, creating and performing. Do-Re-Mi caters for children 0-8 years.

Classes are lots of fun and develop many skills such as musical, listening, memory, coordination and socialisation. Scientific research indicates that music can enhance all other learning as it stimulates the neural pathways in the brain which are developing rapidly during early childhood. Children can gain confidence, self esteem and a sense of well being through these engaging, interactive classes.
The classes are conducted using colourful, high quality materials in a comfortable, secure and vibrant learning environment.
Beyond the Do-Re-Mi classes children can progress to learning instruments such as the piano. In addition to Do-Re-Mi classes, Allegro Childrens Music offers individual lessons in piano, musicianship and theory of music.
Classes are conducted by Bernadette Talese.



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