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Welcome to Baby Sensory! A magical world of sensory learning, wonder and exploration for babies from birth to 13 months.

Our babies grow up so quickly, during the first 12 months of a babies development their brains grow more than any other time in life.

Through baby sensory, we are helping babies form more and new connections between brain cells for vision, language, hearing, smell and movement.  We run different activities to stimulate hand and eye coordination, curiosity, manipulation, concentration, understanding of cause and effect, speech and imagination.

These activities can include anything from puppet shows, songs, baby massage, ball games, musical instruments, baby signing ,light shows, parachutes and many more!

What makes Baby Sensory unique is that every activity has been carefully designed to stimulate your baby's senses and move development and learning forward.  Behind every session, there is an incredible detailed lesson plan backing up everything your baby touches, sees, hears, smells and feels!

We are currently holding classes at Concord and Rozelle.

Look forward to sharing the wonders and joys of Baby Sensory with you and your little one!

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  • 26/01/2025 10:19 am local time

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