Inner West Mums team member, Elizabeth from Rozelle had the chance to try out online tutoring service, Cluey Learning, for her 10-year-old daughter.
Cluey offer live, face-to-face tutoring via their online platform to students in years 2-12, specialising in English, Maths and Chemistry. Their content is matched to the Australian National Curriculum to ensure children are covering what they’re learning in class.
Read all about Elizabeth’s experience trialling Cluey and find out about an exclusive discount for IWMs.
The sign-up process is extremely straightforward; the team can’t be more helpful when it comes to ensuring your child gets a tutor who they will work well with. They made sure the experience was personalised to my daughter’s needs so that she could get the most out of her sessions. Once enrolment is completed, our account was activated and we received access to Cluey’s customer portal. The portal is where you can self-manage all elements of your sessions such as moving session times or checking back on what work was completed in previous sessions.
We opted to try Maths and were matched with a fantastic tutor, who my daughter felt at ease with straight away. Cluey Learning’s tutors are either qualified teachers or high-achieving university students who are trained to adapt to the student’s individual learning needs.
As a parent, the thing I found most valuable was the feedback I received from the tutor after each session. This is broken down into what was done in the session, where my daughter is now in terms of her achievement and what they will be addressing in the next session. This feedback happens after every tutoring session, so I felt fully up to speed with my daughter’s progress. There is also an opportunity for the students to give feedback on how they felt the session went.
My daughter also really appreciated the practise questions that she was given by Cluey over the holidays, which were all accompanied by a video explaining the subject and giving tips on the trickier parts of the activity.
We initially started on a two-session trial, but my daughter valued the experience and confidence she gained so much, that we have decided to continue with Cluey.
M aged 10 said:
“I tried Cluey out for my Maths. It works well for me. My tutor is great and helpful. We practised my times tables and it helped me learn them better. The way she taught it made learning fun. I also like the summer holiday practise; it was good help.”
Overall, our experience of Cluey Learning was very positive and we particularly valued the individualised learning experience that each child gets.
Currently Cluey are offering Inner West Mums a 20% discount on enrolments, find out more and get your discount.