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Drumroll! And the three lucky winners of an indulgent Mother’s Day prize pack are …

In the past month Inner West Mums has been running its biggest competition ever. With more than $5000 total goods up for the taking, the competition has received a huge amount of interest and in the last few days the anticipation has been building. Today we drew the three lucky winners who have been notified by email and we’re so excited that the time has come for us to share the news with you all!
Our extremely lucky first prize winner, Ludmila Adam, will receive more than $3000 worth of goodies, including:

Our second prize winner, Nellie Camp, will take away more than $1300 worth of goodies, including:

And our lucky last third prize winner, Gemma Sinnott, will get more than $1000 worth of goodies:

Congrats to Ludmila, Nellie and Gemma. We are so excited to be able to give these enviable prizes to three Inner West Mums and we hope this puts a big smile on your faces for Mother’s Day. And of course, we wish all the mums in our community a wonderful Mother’s Day.
We will be announcing more competitions in the near future. If you’ve not already signed to our newsletter, please do so here.

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