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Tuning in to Kids® is a parenting program that focus on the emotional connection between parents/carers and their children. This evidence-based program has proven success in improving parenting, parent-child relationships and children’s emotional competence and behaviour.

When: Fridays 14, 21, 28 March and 4, 11 April ( 5 sessions)

Time: 10 - 12 midday

Who: For parents of 3-12 years that live, work or study in the Bankstown and surrounding areas.

Where: CB City Children and Families Hub, 24 Jacob St Bankstown

A light morning tea and refreshments are provided.

Childcare during the session is provided if you need. Pease indicate if you require child minding.

Who is running it?
Wafa Mokassi, an experienced parenting program practitioner from Creating Links, will show how to:

  • Focus on the emotional connection between you and your children by helping parents become more aware of and able to manage their own emotions;
  • Help to understand your child's emotions, manage your own emotions and guide your child's behaviour with appropriate limits;
  • Teaching skills in how to respond to your children using an emotion coaching parenting style.

Wafa will share practical ways to help build understanding and cooperation between you and your child.

Wafa will contact you to talk about the program and if this is the best program for you.

For further details please contact Anita Pesa, Child and Family Development Officer, on 0438 674 349. Link here.

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