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Fruit Picking Adventures

Picking fruit can be such an enjoyable experience for the whole family and it gives kids the opportunity to learn where our food comes from. To assist you in your fruit picking adventures, we’ve compiled this list of farms and orchards around Greater Sydney and their various offerings throughout the year.
The listed orchards are all approximately 90 minutes’ drive from central Sydney to the north, west or south. If the thought of a long car ride with the kids is offputting, once you see the open space, feel the fresh air, vibrant fields and abundance of produce to pick, you’ll realise the trip there is worth it!
Pack a picnic and soak in the scenery. There are plenty of other sights to see along the way if you are driving, such as the stunning Wildwood Garden in Bilpin. There is also an artist gallery and the Tobruk Sheep Station nearby at Wisemans Ferry or try the Convict Trail.
Please be respectful of the growers. Pay for what you pick. (The produce is charged by the kilo.) And do bring your own bags.
Also prior to departing, be sure to check on opening hours and the produce available, the weather, traffic, public transport options and admission fees.

Bilpin Fruit Bowl

Location: On Bells Line of Road in Bilpin travel via Hawkesbury River Bridge at North Richmond. Open 7 days 9 am–5.30 pm.

Bilpin Spring Orchards

Located on Bells Line of Road, Bilpin. Open 7 am–1 pm. Growers of Granny smith and Sundowner apples.

Canoelands Orchard

Open this weekend 26–27 May 2018
Location: Canoelands Road, Canoelands. Travel via Old Northern Road towards Wisemans Ferry. They currently have pick your own tomatoes, as well as raw honey, tractor rides, animals and a cafe. Open 9.30 am–3 pm on weekends. Check what’s in harvest now HERE.

Ford’s Farm

Open this weekend 26–27 May 2018
Location: Singleton Road, Laughtondale via Wisemans Ferry. Specialises in mandarins and citrus fruits. Mandarins, limes, lemons and oranges are available now. Cumquats are later in the season. Open 10 am–4pm every weekend from the end of May until all the fruit has been picked. (This may include June and possibly early July.)

Pine Crest Orchard

Location: Bells Line of Road, Bilpin. Pine Crest Orchard is closed for the season but check later for opening hours and fruit availability.

TNT Produce

Location: Kurts Road, Bilpin. Open weekends and all public holidays from 10 am–4 pm.

Berrylicious Berries

Located in Thirlmere. Their pick-your-own season has finished but will commence again in October.

Watkins Family Farm

Location: Singleton Road, Laughtondale, near Wisemans Ferry. Open from 26 May 2018 and every weekend until all picked out. Times: 10 am–4 pm.

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