At Dental House Gladesville we love new patients, and we love giving you a reason to smile! That is why we are offering a GAP FREE first check-up and clean (including X-rays) to all newcomers.
Whether you have a sneaky little problem with a tooth and have delayed getting it looked at, or you are just overdue for your six monthly check-up, the friendly team at Dental House Gladesville will help you to create your most confident smile!
New Patient Special
• New Patients Only
• Includes comprehensive dental examination, full clean and polish, all diagnostic x-rays and photo records (if required) and fluoride treatment.
• Cannot be used with any other offer
• Patient must have valid Australian private health fund with dental cover and funds available on the day of treatment for Dental items 011 (examination), 072 (photo records), 114 (remove calculus), 121 (topical agent), 022 & 037 (x-ray & OPG)
• It is the responsibility of the patient to check their private health fund cover prior to attending the appointment.
• Must bring current, valid health insurance card on day of appointment.
• If private health fund rebate is not accepted or partially accepted via the HICAPS terminal at time of appointment, patient will be charged the non-health fund special of $250 (less any partial health fund rebate) and given an itemised receipt to present to their Health Fund to claim.
• If upon examination it is discovered that the new patient offer must be deferred until a later time the diagnosed treatment will be charged at the full rate, and the special offer checkup and clean will occur at a later date when appropriate.
Gap Free for Children
To make an appointment call 02 9099 0800.