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Inner West Mums community offers support to Detour House

The Inner West Mums annual fundraiser for 2020 donated not only much needed funds for local women’s support service Detour House, but helped facilitate direct support from community members too.

Detour House runs a refuge for girls aged 13 to 17 at risk of homelessness. As well as a 15-month drug and alcohol rehabilitation program for women, which includes a a residential stay followed by transitional support.

Inner West Mums founder Anita Vitanova said it was wonderful to know that even though the annual Christmas fundraiser did not raise as much money as she had hoped, it had raised awareness of Detour House within the IWM community, leading to direct offers of assistance.

“It was a lovely surprise to hear about all these different opportunities opening up for them as a result of our campaign,” she said. “I am so grateful to the Inner West Mums community for donating, but also for getting in touch with Detour House to offer their services directly.”

Detour House general manager Olivia Nguy said their relationship with Inner West Mums had opened some “beautiful doors and experiences” for their clients. As well as helping them fund tutoring sessions to help their young residents stay engaged in the education system.

“The impact of word of mouth and community connection through Inner West Mums is invaluable. The network of Inner West Mums has even led to organisational support with our policy and procedure review – a set of hands that has provided great relief in our stretched  environment – thanks to legal firm Sundaraj and Ker, who found out about our organisation through you,” she said.

“Änd that in itself led to a connection to Masterchef 2016 winner Elena Duggan, who is bringing beautiful, creative and meaningful cooking workshops to our clients.”

Inner West Mums runs a Christmas fundraiser every year. In 2019 and 2018 its community raised more than $11,000 for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.  Previous fundraising movie nights raised more than $13,000, which paid for four privacy screens for the Baby Care Unit at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

To find out more about Detour House Inc., visit and

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