If you want to learn more about how to invest smartly and make your investments work for you, then this course is for you! Many of us buy our first stock and get caught up in the thrill of it, never sitting down to really understand the fundamentals of investing despite its potential to make a huge difference to our returns. Instead, we learn ad-hoc from friends, forums, or – gulp – bankers, often missing key bits of information.
There are plenty of investing myths our there: switch to all bonds when you retire; property prices only go up; great companies always make great investments; risk equals reward; gold is the safest asset,…the list goes on! The longer you’ve been investing, the more likely you are to hold at least some out-dated beliefs.
Investing BootCamp is a new online course, run by InvestSMART, which builds a solid foundation for better returns. It is designed for people taking their first investment steps. With live weekly webinars you’ll get started on the right foot.
The five-module course covers the investing basics, such as compound returns, diversification, the difference between active and passive management, and how much money you need to get started.
All up, you can complete the course in around 4–6 hours, or you can follow our recommended schedule, which spreads the modules over four weeks.
BootCamp is a good place to begin if you’re new to investing, summarising the essentials in an easy-to-understand format. It is also great for experienced investors that would like a refresher.
For the investing veterans out there, you can skip the beginner modules and head straight to the more advanced topics. Here, you’ll learn things like how to properly assess your own risk tolerance and different retirement strategies, such as the ‘bucket approach’.
No matter what your level of experience, this course is a great way of understanding the fundamentials of investing to earn good returns and a knowledge refresher never goes astray. At $49, BootCamp is also very affordable.
To find out more about the course and enrol, visit the InvestSMART website.