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Karitane turns 100!

For 100 years, Karitane has been trusted partners in parenting, working alongside families, listening to their needs, guiding them to their goals and advocating on their behalf for greater support. Over the years, our vision has remained unchanged – to provide the children of today and tomorrow with the best start in life.

Karitane has evolved from humble beginnings led by Sir Truby King, where he and his wife provided care to 13 malnourished babies in a small house in the beach town of Karitane, New Zealand, to founding the Australian Mothercraft Society in 1923, to now offering services Australia-wide.

We are so excited to be officially launching our Centenary year celebrations with a family-friendly FREE Community BBQ on Wednesday, March 15th, from 11 am till 2 pm at 138-150 The Horsley Drive, Carramar!

We hope you can join us on this fun family day!

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