Do you leave time to transit form one activity to the next?
For the last two month I had four kids; my brother’s daughter is staying with us from Germany – a treat and an absolute delight. It was good for us, for my boys and interesting to know how different teenagers are.
With that extra person in the house we where even busier than normal – and scheduling everyone (or encourage to schedule themselves) became even more of a challenge.
And I realised that everyone has a different need for what we call ‘fluff time’. Some kids and adults can go from one activity to the next with no time in between to regain their composure, they change gear almost automatically. Others need to sit and ‘come home’ and do nothing for a while.
Teenagers find it hard to acknowledge that there might be the need for transition time – that they can’t leave one activity at 6 to be at the next at 6… (the phone call you get when they get it wrong asking you to pick them up and drive them somewhere, assuming that you can fly over traffic and distance)
But it’s not just teenagers who find this hard, a lot of adults do this, too. Not leaving enough time to travel, get ready to get out of the house, re-pack handbags or just sit and do nothing for a second.
So my tip for today to be mindful of this necessity or need in your life and start scheduling some ‘fluffs time’. They do say it takes 2 weeks to create a habit so you might just have to actually schedule this for 2 weeks very consciously – and then it becomes a happy habit. You will be on time and less stressed in your life!