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Mother and Daughter $50 Studio Portrait Sessions with Milk & Honey Photography

Milk and Honey Photography is raising money for the Generous and the Grateful, a non-profit organisation which helps people in need. We feel that the charity is in line with what Inner West Mums often like to support!
The Mother and Daughter Portrait Sessions will happen in our Summer Hill studio in the next few months and the $50 session fee will be donated directly to the Generous and the Grateful. Special print and file packages will be available for purchase and the images will be showcased on our website.
The Generous and the Grateful is a kindness community – boosting survivors of domestic violence, homelessness, refugees, and youth at risk at a crucial time in their recovery. It connects generous donations of excellent preloved furniture – beds, fridges, washing machines and the like; the heavy, pricey things that are tough to arrange yourself. It enables a good night’s sleep for mum and the kids, milk for brekkie before school, clean clothes for work, and time together to eat/relax as a family. Everyone needs a home to feel safe and at ease in, not everyone can make it happen themselves. The Generous and the Grateful works through caseworkers and advocates and has an incredible impact on reducing landfill.

For more information on the Mother and Daughter $50 Studio Portrait Sessions with Milk and Honey Photography including Terms and Conditions, please see the website.

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