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Create Hub at Broadway

New craft workshops for kids at Broadway Shopping Centre

Here’s a way to turn the weekly grocery shop into an outing for the kids! Broadway Shopping Centre has set up a craft workshop next to the playground on level 3.

Create Hub launched in September, with midweek classes for preschoolers and toddlers, and Saturday workshops for school kids. Plus a separate program running during the school holidays.

All sessions cost $10.

Classes for younger children run for 35 minutes on Thursdays and include making The Hungry Caterpillar inspired finger puppets and a Halloween story time with mask making. A parent or carer is required to attend these workshops to help the child with the craft activity.

Create Hub Broadway

For school aged children the workshops run for 45 minutes. There’s still DIY eco herb heads (October 6) and terracotta pot plant decorating (October 8) to go for these school holidays, plus the regular Saturday program. Children can be dropped at these sessions and picked up at the end.

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