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Night Owls: An autism and sensory-friendly night out for ages 16+

On Friday 31 March from 6 to 9 pm, the Australian Museum will run its next Night Owls sensory-friendly event for autistic people and those who have sensory sensitivities.

Night Owls is an exclusive, fun night out for ages 16 and up that provides a reduced-sensory and supportive environment in which to experience the Australian Museum.

Lighting and sound will be adjusted for a controlled sensory experience. There will also be a designated quiet area for anyone needing to take a break.

A pop-up bar will serve drinks and light snacks and there will also be a silent disco and activations in some gallery spaces.

For those wishing to see the Australian Museum’s newest exhibition, Sharks, you will be able to buy tickets from 6 pm. In this immersive exhibition, visitors will go back in time to meet sharks’ ancient ancestors, come face-to-face with an 8m-long Whale Shark, and uncover their extraordinary adaptations with interactive displays, touchable specimens and objects from the AM collections. Charges apply for entry to this exhibition. You may also purchase tickets to Sharks when registering for Night Owls.

The Australian Museum has prepared a visual story for the event.

Registration for Night Owls is essential. You can register here.

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