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Pest2Kill Bugtacular School Roadshow

Pest2Kill Bugtacular School Roadshow

The Pest2Kill Bugtacular School Roadshow Arrives in Sydney’s Inner West

Is it any surprise that pre-schoolers or primary school aged kids absolutely LOVE bugs? Whether it’s a caterpillar quietly munching on a leaf, a grasshopper bouncing around, or a spider gently spinning a morning web, our little ones are often fascinated by the creatures around us.

Environmentally sustainable and award-winning pest control company Pest2Kill have taken this idea one step further launching the first  ‘Bugtacular School Roadshow’ – an educational show that introduces kids to the world of insects and the essential role they play in our ecosystem. The show, hosted by Pest2Kill’s James ‘Jimmy’ Buckland B.Sc (Env. Bio.), is a community engagement initiative and completely free of charge for participating schools. The launch of the educational show in the Inner West also coincides with the opening of Pest2Kill’s Drummoyne branch on Victoria Road.


Pest2Kill Bugtacular School Roadshow
Pest2Kill’s Bugtacular School Roadshow at Hurlstone Park Children’s Centre (image courtesy of Pest2Kill)

The first Bugtacular Show in the Inner West took place at the Hurlstone Park Children’s Centre last week, where 30 preschoolers had an unforgettable encounter with some unique bugs. Kids had the chance to hold and observe Egyptian beetles, burrowing cockroaches, praying mantises, and an assortment of stick insects. Witnessing these intriguing bugs up close allowed the children to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of all kinds of insects. Plus everyone was gifted an awesome Entomologist-in-Training badge as proof of their new-found knowledge.


James Buckland with children from Hurlstone Park Children’s Centre (image courtesy of Pest2Kill)

“It might seem a little odd that a pest control company is hosting a show that celebrate living things, but as I explain to the kids, sometimes you have to control the invasive ‘bad’ bugs so the native ‘good’ bugs can thrive in our gardens,” says James, Head of Pest2Kill’s Termite Division and host of the bug show. “Our Bugtacular School Roadshow aims to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards and spark curiosity about bugs of all shapes and sizes.”


Pest2Kill Bugtacular School Roadshow
Pest2Kill’s Bugtacular School Roadshow at Hurlstone Park Children’s Centre (image courtesy of Pest2Kill)


The P2K Bug Show covers the following topics:

What a bug is
• Bug life stages
• What bugs eat
• Bug breeding (the PG version!)
• Bugs under the microscope
• How to collect bugs from your home and garden
• Planting bug-friendly vegetation for native pollinators and installing an insect hotel

In addition to being affectionately nicknamed the walking ‘insectlopedia’ due to his unrivalled bug knowledge, James is a Pest and Termite Management industry expert with 21+ years experience under his belt. He has also taught hundreds of Urban Pest Management students during a 10 year teaching tenure at Sydney’s TAFE NSW, and is often invited to speak at ecological fairs and conferences as a subject matter expert.

Pest2Kill Bugtacular School Roadshow
Girl holding Spiny Leaf Insect (image courtesy of Pest2Kill)
Want to get your school or day-care involved?

Local educators and parents are encouraged to take advantage of this incredible opportunity for their children to embark on an enthralling journey into the world of bugs. To nominate a childcare centre, preschool, primary school, or community group in the Inner West to host the Bugtacular School Roadshow, interested parties can contact Sophie at Pest2Kill on


For more information on Pest2Kill and the Bugtacular School Roadshow:

5/171 Victoria Rd
Drummoyne 2047
P: 02 7228 7022
Information pack available here

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