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PLC Sydney

Prospective parent information session at PLC Sydney

PLC Sydney is hosting an information session for prospective parents in August.

A whole school Prospective Parent Information Session is being held on-site on the morning of August 31 from 9.30am to 11.30am.

It will be led by the school’s principal Dr Paul Burgis, and include a school tour. There will be presentations by staff and students, and the chance to ask questions.

Bookings for this session are essential.

Why PLC Sydney?

PLC Information Sessions

For more than 130 years, the school has been an inner west sanctuary for girls from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12, where they are free to nurture their interests and strengths, challenge themselves, and flourish academically.

Each and every day the College campus is a vibrant hub of learning and activity. On any given weekday you’ll see girls hovering over a Bunsen burner in one of the science laboratories, or reading in the gardens near the turtle pond.  You might see hockey training on Drummond Field, or rowers heading off to practice on the Parramatta River. The pipes and drums might be performing on the Sunken Lawn, or students from Year 9 drama might be rehearsing a script under the outstretched branches of our iconic camphor laurel tree, or on the stage of the Audrey Keown Theatre.

The College invites you to explore the school and hopes to welcome you into the PLC Sydney family.

PLC Sydney is located at Meta St in Croydon. For information about enrolments contact the enrolments office on 9704 5666 or

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