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Jubilee Park, Glebe

Reasons Why We Love Jubilee Park, Glebe

Jubilee Park is one of four parks that combine to make up the 17-hectare Glebe Foreshore Parks, which overlook the water at Rozelle Bay and Blackwattle Bay. The other adjoining parks are Federal Park, Bicentennial Park and Blackwattle Bay Park.

There’s a lot to love about Jubilee Park and these are our reasons for why we love it – and why you will too!

1. The playground

Sandpit at Jubilee ParkCubby house slide at Jubilee Park
Climbing up to the cubby house at Jubilee ParkSlide at Jubilee Park
[Above: Playground at Jubilee Park, Glebe]

The playground is ideal for kids of all ages and offers an array of fun equipment to entertain the kids: a slippery dip ‘mountain’, sandpit area, two double swings and the standout feature: a pod-like cubby house!

Inside the cubby house - Jubilee Park

[Above: The cubby house at Jubilee Park playground]

Balanced on netting and stilts, (architecturally) designed with earthy colours and textures, this whimsical cubby house is perfect for your kids’ imaginations to run wild. From hide and seek, to rope climbing and the slippery dip, the cubby house alone will provide endless entertainment. (Unfortunately only accessible for very nimble and fit parents!)

2. The right kind of shady!

Sandpit at Jubilee Park

[Above: Sandpit at Jubilee Park playground]

Although there is no canopy over the playground there is ample natural shade provided by the beautiful surrounding trees. The sandpit does, however, have it’s own canopy.

Inside the sandpit at Jubilee Park

3. Space

Open lawn at Jubilee Park

[Above: Jubilee Oval, Glebe]

There is so much space! Vast amounts of flat, green parkland in Jubilee Park – ideal for a number of great activities. The park borders Jubilee Oval – which is used for AFL and cricket games – and Bicentennial Park, which is currently under construction. However, the path next to the water’s edge is still open and offers stunning water views.

4. Activities – scooting, walking, running & ball games

Walkway to Jubilee Park

[Above: Entrance to Jubilee Park]

When the kids grow bored of the playground, it’s time to make use of all that space! First off, there is a long path which is perfect for bike or scooter riding (or just plain old walking and running) and for the more adventurous, this leads into the Glebe Foreshore Walking path – which can be a couple of hours well-spent walking along the water, with picture-perfect views of the city.

The green lawn beside the playground is perfect for ball games, kite-flying and a game of tag. Or you could easily have a relaxed picnic away from other park-goers either on the grass or at one of the many picnic areas.

Picnic tables at Jubilee Park

[Above: Picnic shelters at Jubilee Park]

5. Easy to keep an eye on the kids

Jubilee park - Glebe

[Above: The playground at Jubilee Park, Glebe]

The playground area is quite small but it is set away from both the road and the water which should provide peace of mind. The playground equipment is spread out, so it’s easier to keep an eye on the kids playing and because it is so flat, there is good visibility of the surrounding parts.

6. Water views

Anzac Bridge view from Jubilee Park

[Above: View of the Anzac Bridge from Bicentennial Park]

Whilst Bicentennial Park is currently under construction, the path beside it offers spectacular views of the Anzac Bridge and the CBD. From certain positions, you can also see the Sydney Harbour Bridge too. Top tip: for those of you that are not averse to rising early, this spot is home to incredible sunrises!

Water view at Jubilee Park

[Above: Water views from the Glebe foreshore walk]

7. Designated off-leash areas

In certain parts, our furry friends are able to roam off-leash.

Glebe Foreshore Walk - Rozelle Bay

[Above: The water front at Jubilee Park]

8. Easy to get to

It’s easy to get to by car, bus (the bus stop is right next to the playground) or light rail. For the drivers, there is plenty of street parking on offer on Eglinton Road and Federal Road.

The only downside, is that there isn’t a café that close by. You can walk up Glebe Point Road or round to Tramsheds but with little ones in tow, BYO may be the best way to handle refreshments!

Key features:

  • Elevated, architecturally designed cubby house with slide and climbing ropes
  • Swings, climbing mountain with slide and sandpit
  • Toilets close by
  • Picnic tables
  • Glebe Foreshore Walk
  • Dogs on-leash in Jubilee Park & designated off-leash areas along the foreshore walk
  • Bicycle paths
  • Street parking
  • Close to bus services
[All photos by Anna Jameson]

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