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Recycle Easter Egg Foil Wrappers

Red bin or yellow bin? The lowdown on recycling Easter egg wrappers

Wondering what to do with all the brightly coloured foil wrappers from the kids’ Easter egg haul?

Put them aside, scrunch them together into a ball and pop them in the yellow bin. That’s the advice of both Inner West Council and City of Sydney.

Inner West Council advises foil can be recycled in the yellow bin if “clean and scrunched up into a small ball”.

City of Sydney has released a handy Easter recycling guide. It explains rolling the wrappers into a ball shape stops pieces of foil getting lost in the recycling process.

“Wait until you have a lot of foil to recycle, roll it up at least as big as a tennis ball and pop it in the yellow lid bin,” the guide states.

Might be time to bust open that Elegant Rabbit or Lindt Bunny…for the foil, of course!


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