I feel like I can breathe easier!
I feel so much taller!
My headache is gone!
I actually have MORE energy now!
My back feels much better now! (We love this one!)
Pilates is well known for it’s toning and strengthening benefits but there’s far more to studio Pilates than tight abs and toned arms: Above are just some of the ways our clients have described how they feel at the end of their weekly session at the studio. We’d like more people to feel better in their bodies and feel the benefits of more breathing, lengthening, movement and energy in their lives!
If you think you might benefit from a regular Pilates practice and all the good stuff that comes along with it, this is a great time to establish the habit! We’re offering 20% off the cost of studio packages for new clients throughout January and February to get you started, and we think you’re going to love it! Our instructors take into consideration long term injuries, restrictions and health conditions, and also how you feel on the day, and we take pride in how well we know our clients and their bodies, so you’ll never feel like you’ve fallen through the cracks.
How does it work?
Book and attend your initial consultation in January or February of 2018 and when you purchase your first package of private or semi-private sessions we’ll take 20% off.
For more information about what we do and how to book, visit: http://www.roomformovement.com.au/what-we-do/ or give us a bell on 0450 156 782.