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Save on Kids Dental: Pay No Gap for Kids These School Holidays

We understand that school holidays can be busy – there’s a lot of fun to be had, but it’s also a good time to tick off some important things off that check list, without having to worry about taking time off school for the kids.
No Gap for Kids Special
Book your kids in for a consultation: scale + clean, fluoride treatment and x-rays (if required) and if you have private health insurance, you won’t have to pay any gap fees*. Preventative treatments such as fissure sealants are also included.
If your child has not had their regular dental check-up yet, the school holidays is an ideal time to book in an appointment.
Your child may also be eligible for the federal government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), which means their visit may be covered by the $1000 benefit provided to eligible children. Please ring us on 9558 6656 if you are unsure about their eligibility.
We look forward to seeing them, and their beautiful smiles, at Six Twelve Family Dental soon.

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