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Sydney Craft Week Festival 2023

Get crafting at the Sydney Craft Week Festival

October 6-15

The Sydney Craft Week Festival 6-15 October is back for the 7th year running and this year’s festival theme is ‘time’. Not surprisingly this struck a chord with the Inner West Mums as we know only too well how little time most women have, and the often the constant pressure to make the most of our ‘time’ with our kids, partner, family and friends!

The folk at the Australian Design Centre (ADC), who host the Craft Week Festival, have focussed on time as it relates to the duration it takes makers to learn a skill, understand their materials, to build a practice, as well as the timeless quality of handmade work.

So if you’re a crafter, maker, want to slow down the trend in fast-consumption, or just want to nab yourself something handmade and unique, here’s our pick of the events taking place across the Inner West and beyond as part of this year’s Sydney Craft Week. For the full list of events visit Sydney Craft Week .

Monika Lencse hanging monster pos  (image courtesy of Monika Lencse)

Sydney Ceramics Market, 7 October

Snap up a unique, quirky or one-off item at this popular ceramics market.

Love the feel of a handmade mug or bowl in your hand? Quirky pottery like an abstract vase float or decorative ceramic float your boat? At the Sydney Ceramics Market you’ll get the chance to snap up unique and one-off handmade items as well as meeting over 90 emerging and established ceramicists from Sydney and across NSW. We love like these ceramic hanging monster pots by Monika Lencse (pictured) that are perfect for air plants

Date: Saturday 7 October
Time: 10am – 5pm
Location: Carriageworks, Bay 25 & Elston Room
245 Wilson St, Eveleigh NSW 2015, Gadigal Land
Cost: $5 entry (kids under 12 freVarious – visit the map for
For more info: Sydney Ceramics Market 


Makers Frontyard Trail (image courtesy of Sydney Craft Week)

Makers Front Yard, Saturday 7 October

Take the kids on a cool craft trail at this weekend event.

Fancy meeting local Inner West artisans, crafters and makers? There are nine locations from Ashfield to Marrickville (and everywhere in between) where you can meet local craftspeople as part of the Makers Frontyard Trail day on 7 October. From local ceramicists, jewellery designers and candle makers, you can snap up something unique right in your own ‘burb – or follow the trail make a day of it whilst getting to meet local makers.

Date: Saturday 7 October
Time: 10am – 4pm
Location: Various – visit the Makers Frontyard Trail map for locations
Cost: Free
For more info: Makers Frontyard 


Image courtesy of Concord Community Quilting Group

Concord Community Quilting Expo, 13-14 October

Sewing bees don’t miss this quilting expo!

Do you love the gorgeous patterns and intricate designs in heritage quilts? Wish you could make an heirloom quilt yourself but don’t know where to start? Concord Community Quilters, founded in 2016, will be exhibiting their ‘quilts of art’, discussing quilting techniques and materials at Concord Library as part of the Sydney Craft Festival. Head over to get your quilting questions answered or just to marvel at their beautiful quilts.

Date: 13-14 October
Time: 10am – 3pm
Location: Concord Library, 60 Flavelle Street Concord
Cost: Free

For more info: Concord Community Quilting Expo


Dawn Oakford Mondrian Teapot 2022 (image courtesy of the artist)

Sydney Teapot Show, 7 October – 5 November

Teapot lovers rejoice!

The annual Sydney Teapot Show – a competition-cum-exhibition – has been held at Gallery Lowe in xxx (formerly Kerrie Lowe Gallery) for the past 31 years challenges makers to create a functional teapot that expresses their creativity. With categories like Science Fiction teapot, Shakespeare inspired teapot and Australian Archaeology teapot, you can expect some wild and wacky designs at this year’s exhibit. Visitors to the gallery will get the chance cast votes for their favourite (People’s Choice) so head on down and pick your fave.

Date: 7 October – 5 November
Time: Monday – Saturday 10am – 5.30pm, Sunday 12-4pm
Location: Gallery Lowe and Lee, 49 – 51 King Street, Newtown
Cost: Free
More info: Sydney Craft Week Events 


Kintsugi pottery (image courtesy of Yoko Kawada)

Mindful Art Kintsugi, 6, 8, 11-12 October

Keep calm and Kintsugi!

Kintsugi is a century-old Japanese craft where broken ceramic objects are pieced back together using lacquer and gold dust based on the philosophy of Wabi Sabi ie finding beauty in imperfection (don’t we all need a bit of this in our lives!). At this intro workshop, you’ll learn the fundamentals and history the Art Kintsugi method using alternative accessible tools and materials – and you’ll get to bring home a piece a piece of your original Kintsugi art to boot!

Date: 6, 8, 11 and 12 October
Time: Various
Location: Reverse Garbage Marrickville 30 Carrington Road
Cost: $130
More info: Mindful Art Kintsugi 


Teatowel Tote Workshop (image courtesy of Love and West)

Make your own teatowel tote bag workshop, 12 and 14 October

Get stitching at this practical and fun workshop.

Got a cute teatowel that you’ve had stashed away for years because it’s just too pretty to use? The folk from Love and West know the feeling – they’ve created an entire range of products made out of vintage linen tea towels – some reminiscent of the 80s souvenir teatowels your parents may have brought back from their travels! At their 2-hour Make Your Own Teatowel Tote Workshop you’ll get the chance to sew your own tote bag out of a cute teatowel. Materials and equipment are provided so all you need to do is turn up and pick a teatowel that would make a great tote.

Date: 12 and 14 October
Time: Various
Location: Love and West HQ, 61 Denison Street, Arncliffe
Cost: $75
More info: Make a Teatowel Tote


Matcha Tasting Workshops (image courtesy of Simply Native Japan)


Matcha Tasting with a Han Namagashi (Traditional Japanese sugar jelly), 12 October

Uplift the mind and spirit at this matcha-tasting event.

Always wondered what all the fuss was about matcha? A green tea that’s been popping up in all the weirdest of places – from ice-creams to biscuits and everything in between. At this workshop at Simply Native Japan, you’ll get to savour a cup of matcha from their collection of ceremonial-grade matcha varieties, accompanied by a Han Namagashi, a traditional Japanese sugar jelly sweet, whilst learning about matcha and its benefits for body and mind.

Date: 12 October
Time: 5.00pm – 7.45pm
Location: Simply Native Japan, Shop1 / 148 Goulburn Street, Surry Hills
Cost: $20
More info: Matcha Tasting Workshop


Want more? Check out our list of the Best Art & Craft Workshops in the Inner West to find local workshops and craft providers near you.

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