My wife recently gave birth to our third child. We now have three beautiful children under the age of six and we feel very blessed. We are also aware of the changes this means to our lifestyle and living arrangements.
For anyone thinking of growing a family, some of the main questions will be:
Even though schooling may be years away, it is important to start thinking about how your children will access the right education. Parents are buying Sydney property in areas close to desirable schools and intervening more than ever to ensure their children are positioned for success in their education. No parent wants their child to be travelling long distances to and from school every day. The main concerns are that travelling too far can cause unnecessary tiredness and separation from local friends.
Where catchment zones apply, it is essential to live within the right zone to ensure enrolment at the right school. When buying property, you may even notice that statements about the accessibility of certain schools are a common feature of real estate advertising. In turn, this can affect the price of real estate where a property in the catchment zone may be worth more than an identical property outside the catchment zone.
Guest Contributor – Nick Viner, Buyers Domain
For more help finding the perfect home for your family, give Buyers Domain a call today on 9568 6330.