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Three of our fave Inner West playgrounds re-open

Kendrick Playground Opening, photo courtesy of Inner West Council
Three beloved Inner West playgrounds have re-opened for kids and families to enjoy after extensive refurbishments – just in time for the school holidays!

Kendrick Park, Corner Princess Highway and View St, Tempe
Rose Street Playground, 36 Arthur St, Ashfield
Rowe Playground, Keith Lane Dulwich Hill

Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect at each playground to help make the most of your visit.

All playgrounds now have:
• New softfall surfacing – just what we need for little ones prone to falls
• New playground equipment
• New multiplay units with slides, rope play equipment and swings for mixed aged groups
• Nature play area with balance beams, log steppers and sandstone blocks

New Kendrick Park Swings, photo courtesy of Inner West Council

Kendrick Park
This gorgeous park and playground right on the banks of the Cooks River in Tempe boasts BBQ and sheltered picnic areas, public toilets and a dedicated cycle way – not to mention lovely water views and swathes of greenery where energetic little ones can run free. Clock On/Off Café is a brisk 5-minute walk across the road on the Princess Hwy, and a little further up you’ll find Harry’s Café De Wheels still slinging out their famous meat pies and hot dogs – our fave is the Tiger Pie topped with mashed potatoes, mushy peas and gravy. Want another park by the water? Further south along the Princess Hwy you’ll find the larger Cahill Park and Playground in Wolli Creek – read our full review here.

Kendrick Park, Corner of Princess Hwy and View Street, Tempe

Rowe Playground Dulwich Hill re-opening, photo courtesy of Inner West Council

Rowe Playground, Dulwich Hill
Flanked with an impressive sandstone gate and perimeter of fence, perfect for little ones who love to run, this playground on a corridor of grass will quickly become a fave with younger kids. Sunny and within walking distance of the Aegean Café and Wine Bar (the old Dear Delicious Café), and the Dulwich Hill Skate Park, it’s just the right distance from cafes, local shops and transport.

Rowe Playground, Keith Street, Dulwich Hill


Rose Street Playground Ashfield, photo courtesy of Inner West Council

Rose St Playground, Ashfield
They don’t get much cuter than Rose St Playground in Ashfield. This cute micro-park with an enclosed play area and grassy patch is perfect for little ones who want a quieter pace to larger Pratten Park Playground nearby. A handy water fountain means you can have a quick drink or top up water bottles on the go. There aren’t any cafes within walking distance but you’ll find a truckload of eateries along Liverpool St and or at Ashfield Mall.

Rose St Playground, Corner Rose and Arthur Sts, Ashfield

Looking for more local playgrounds? Check out our list of the Best Fenced Playgrounds in the Inner West. Prefer your playground with a side of coffee? Read our review of the Inner West’s best parks with cafes nearby.

Found a local park or playground you love? Share a comment below or email – we love hearing about community parks and playgrounds in the Inner West and beyond.

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