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Welcome to your Diamond Listing

We are so excited to welcome you to our directory as a Diamond Advertiser!

We want to help you maximise your listing and take advantage of all your benefits.

Bookmark this page as you will use it through out the year to submit your content to us.


You are entitled to one MREC, for one month during your listing, each year. Use the form below to submit your artwork and link. We will confirm dates available so apply early to avoid disappointment.

    Upload one image below, less than 1Mb, in Png or Jpg format. It must be 300 x 300px to be accepted.

    Newsletter Inclusion

    You are entitled to two Newsletter Inclusions during your listing, each year.

    Use the form below to submit your artwork and link. We will confirm dates available so apply early to avoid disappointment.

      Upload one image below, less than 1Mb, in Png or Jpg format.

      Social Media Post

      You are entitled to one Social Media Post, each month, during your listing, each year.

      Use the form below to submit your artwork, copy and link. You will need to use this form every month you wish to submit a post.

        Upload one image below, less than 1Mb, in Png or Jpg format. Dimensions must be 1080px x 1080px

        Events and Offers

        You are entitled to 5 Events and 5 Offers during your listing, each year.

        Use the buttons below to submit these. Use the Coupon DIAFREE to claim your five free events and offers.

        Sign up to our Newsletter to be the first to know of
        upcoming events, competitions and everything Inner West!

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        Inner West Mums will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing.