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Competition – Business School for Mums is Offering Two Spots to Inner West Mums for FREE

A small home based business can offer Mums the opportunity to create their ideal work/ life balance, where they can contribute to the family income, be stimulated and challenged, all whilst being there for their family on their terms.
Many mums out there have wonderful small business ideas that would set them on this path, but unfortunately are instead held back by the nagging voice in their head that tells them – they can’t, it’s too hard, or it’s just not possible for them.
Business School for Mums was created specifically for these women – to show them that anything is possible, their dreams are within reach and they CAN HAVE IT ALL. It is our mission to provide Mums across Australia with affordable small business courses that will equip them with all they need to know to start a small business and head toward success.
We launch our “Small Business Start-Up” course on the 9th of November. This intensive 8 week online course is for Mums who want to explore the feasibility of a small business idea, or those just starting out in business.
Its jam packed with need to know information, every how-to, and all the tools, plans and templates Mums will need to take their idea from conception to launch. What’s more, we work away the Mummy guilt, fear of failure, and all the accompanying worries and concerns that come with starting a small business.
How can we do this? Because we ARE Mums in Business. We are 2 Mums running 3 successful businesses, with multiple children under 3, so our content and insights are very real, relevant and wholly relatable.
Combined, we have 20+ years in business, media, marketing, sales & coaching plus various degrees & a Master’s under our belts – so this course has been built on experience, blood, sweat and tears.
We believe in what we’ve created so much and to celebrate our launch, we are offering TWO FREE SCHOLARSHIP placements to Inner West Mums – so two Mummies can transform their lives and start creating life on their terms.
To enter please tell us why do you think you should win this course ?
You can register for the webinar here –

As a bonus, Business School for Mums is running a FREE webinar on Monday 19th of October: The 10 keys to Starting a Successful Business.
This webinar will help you to avoid the mistakes most small business owners make and teach you the 10 keys to drive you to success. What’s more it will give you a very real look and feel into what its like to run a small business. You can register for this free webinar here.


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  • Michelle Hanlin
    17/10/2015 at 10:06 am

    I believe I should win this course because I’m a frustrated artist and believe I have a flair for business but with two young children under five at home, I rarely get the chance to go and try things out. I have a first class honours in sculpture and have been making children’s/teen jewellery and adornments for the past five years. I mainly use found vintage plastic, Bakelite and resin pieces on specially laser cut backgrounds that I order online. They are usually brightly coloured. I make a certain amount, about twelve, in a particular theme and call it a collection. Themes/collections have included “Animalia”, “Cameos” and “Deco”. I’ve always just sold through eBay, Etsy, friends, Facebook and word of mouth. They sell well and I love doing it. I would love to expand on this idea and learn about what it takes to be a successful business as I don’t have the time or money to be fumbling around in the dark.
    Thank you

    • IWM
      20/10/2015 at 10:16 am

      Hi, Michelle
      Congratulations – you are one of the winners of this competition. Can you please email to claim your placement quoting Inner West Mums.
      I hope you enjoy the course.

  • Zoe Vayanos
    17/10/2015 at 10:52 am

    i would love to win a scholarship to this course because I have started a company that I am so passionate about and feel will fulfill a great need of my consumers however I am lacking the confidence to take the plunge and launch.

    • IWM
      20/10/2015 at 10:17 am

      Hi, Zoe
      Congratulations – you are one of the winners of this competition. Can you please email to claim your placement quoting Inner West Mums.
      I hope you enjoy the course.

  • Florence Henriques Guimaraes
    17/10/2015 at 11:22 pm

    I would love to win the scholarship for this course because I have hundreds of ideas and no clue in how or where to start to open a business. I need confidence and guidance. Thank you.

  • Toni Sheehy
    20/10/2015 at 5:45 am

    Hi, although my sister and i have started a small business, we’d love to know how to run it even better! We jumped in feet first and perhaps would have been better off with a bit more business know how behind us – it’s never too late and I think we’d really benefit from a course like this. We have six young children between us so of course work life balance is important and we’d love to do it better. Thank you : )

  • Sasha Dumaresq
    20/10/2015 at 11:39 am

    My passion is working for small businesses, to help them grow and prosper. I find immense enjoyment in being a part of the process of ambition, improvement, and success. So far, however, they are others’ businesses. I would love to learn how, and gain the confidence, to run my own show! All the while being home to care for my 3 young children aged 4.5 years and under. I agree we can have it all, just on our own terms and time and how we wish to define it.

  • Sarah SMART
    25/10/2015 at 11:50 pm

    I have been looking for a Business course for a while and this one has grabbed my attention. I would love to learn more about Business as I have embarked on an aromatherapy course and once qualified plan to venture into running my own Clinic. My goal would be to meet like-minded Business “Mums” to guide and nourish my love of learning. I really warm to online eCourses because being a busy mum I don’t have the time to go to college. I am a firm believer in supporting local companies like BusinessSchoolForMums.

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