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Livvi’s Cafe, Timbrell Park, Five Dock

There’s a lot written about Livvi’s Place, the playground in Timbrell Park, Five Dock and it is definitely a staple stop for young families from all over the Inner West, and beyond.

But one place we think deserves more kudos is Livvi’s Cafe.

It’s not just a cafe that is linked to the playground; this is an institution in itself.

Let’s look at it as a cafe in its own right. Let’s look at it as a destination.

What people often forget is that Livvi’s Cafe is actually a business specifically established for the greater good. A social enterprise created by Australian charity, Touched by Olivia (the incredible charity which runs the amazing inclusive playgrounds across the country).

Fun fact: did you know that every time you buy your coffee from Livvi’s Cafe a donation is made to Touched by Olivia? A lot of people don’t!

And don’t feel like you’re settling for mediocre coffee in return for doing a good deed – their loyal customers say it’s the best around!

Livvi’s Cafe also prides itself on giving people living with disabilities work experience opportunities. They recently won the ‘Inclusive Employer of the Year’ at the Sustainability Awards 2022, and the busier they are, the more opportunities they can create, so let’s support them where we can.

There’s masses of free street parking, accessible toilets and the food goes beyond baby cinos and ice-cream (although they do also give out free baby cinos at Storytime in the playground every Friday at 10 am!)

There are plenty of breakfast and lunch options for us grown-ups too. It’s not just muffins and cookies; they have bacon rolls in the morning and delicious Portuguese chilli and falafel sandwiches for lunch.

There’s plenty of easy access for anyone with limited mobility, wheelchairs and the older community. And mother’s groups (aka pram parties) are not just welcome, they’re encouraged!

From here, with or without a coffee in hand, you can kick off your Bay Run … or even just a circuit around the park will take 1500 steps off your daily goals! There’s a path that goes all around the outside of Timbrell with plenty of space for a two-pram walk.

Aside from seats in the cafe, there’s a whole park to sit in if you don’t need seating and shade – so after your walk, grab your coffee, your sandwich, a picnic blanket and sit in the sun with your friends, the dogs and the bubs.

And let’s not forget, we’re not just mums, we’re also friends, wives, girlfriends, bosses, wanna-be-daily-exercisers …

These guys open at 6.30 am and close around 2 pm – so whatever stage of life and motherhood you’re at, Livvi’s is always a welcome pit stop.

Oh, and don’t forget it’s dog friendly, and there are dog treats and water bowls on hand. It’s also only a five-minute walk from Five Dock Dog Park, so until they sort out a cafe (long overdue), pop into Livvi’s on your way over. Behind the cafe is also an off-leash area – between the cafe and Ramsay St – but it’s not fenced.

Anyone who has met Joe, Alfio, Joey and John will know how open, friendly and hard working these guys are. They know everyone in the community and always try to remember your name and your order, making it that little bit more personal (and always welcome if you have been stuck home alone with bub all day).

And the exciting news is that they are about to submit a DA for a new cafe development, which will create more space, more seating, more shelter, more food options … watch this space!

But for now, grab your friends, your bubs, your quiet time and head down to Livvi’s Cafe – it’s a really, really easy way to help make a little bit of a difference today.

It’s coffee with a conscience.



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