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All-day Montessori Preschool

Introducing the Inner West Mums to the Inner Sydney Montessori School Full-Day Preschool Program

To improve our students’ experience and increase our accessibility to families within our community, Inner Sydney Montessori School is thrilled to announce advancements to its Preschool program offering.

Transition to Preschool
(26-36 months)

  • Our Transition to Preschool classroom will now be open daily to children from 8.45 am to 3.15 pm
  • Children can attend 2, 3, or 5 days
  • The Child Care Subsidy is applicable for this program

Preschool & Kindergarten
(3-6 years old)

  • Our Preschool classrooms are open daily to all children from 8.30 am to 3 pm
  • Our extended hours program is available for those families needing additional hours, allowing for care from 7.30 am-6 pm
  • Start Strong fee relief is now available for children 4 years of age on or before 31 July 2023
  • The Child Care Subsidy is applicable for this program.

About Inner Sydney Montessori School

The Inner Sydney Montessori School runs across two campuses, Balmain and Lilyfield. Our Balmain campus caters for children aged 2.5 – 12, and offers a nurturing environment for your child to begin their educational journey. Our highly trained educators deliver a Preschool to Year 6 program at this campus, which recognises the potential and uniqueness of each child and their individual capacity to learn.

The ISMS Balmain campus is located at 44 Smith Street, Balmain.

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