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Australia's First Grains Festival- You are in for a treat!

Grain, Hail or Shine!
EG Developments presents Australia’s first grains festival
Leading Sydney-based real estate developer, EG Developments (EG), is lifting gloomy winter spirits by showcasing Australia’s first ever grains festival on Sunday 1 July 2018, from 10am until 3pm.
The free event will be held on the site of joint venture partners Daiwa House Australia and EG’s masterplanned residential community ‘The Flour Mill of Summer Hill’, at Summer Hill in Sydney’s Inner West.
Embracing the cooler winter weather, the innovative event will be held as a quirky nod to the site’s existing iconic buildings, which include the landmark flour mill built by Mungo Scott in 1922, and its history, where, for decades, the key ingredient for many of Australia’s favourite loaves of bread was made until 2009.
The family-friendly Grains Festival will be a celebration of all things grains-related and will bring together some of Sydney’s most-loved bread, pastry, biscuit, pasta, and of course beer artisans.
The festival will feature food stalls from Knafeh, Sonoma, Brickfields, Brooklyn Boy Bagels, Brasserie Bread, The Bread and Butter Project, Adamo’s Pasta, Pepe Saya, Alfamores, Baked by Keiran, Petal Met Sugar, Moulin Café, Saarade, The Temperance Society, Lewisham P&C and more.
Meanwhile, beverage purveyors will include Young Henrys, Cake Wines, The Grifter Brewing Company and Capital Brewing Co.
Live music will be performed by local artists and playdough fun will be available for the kids.
Event visitors also now have the opportunity to enter an Instagram competition where $5,000 worth of prizes will be awarded for capturing the most creative post in front of the site’s innovative and engaging art mural.
The competition is now open and closes on 1 July 2018. Instructions are displayed next to the mural, with terms and conditions available at
Grant Flannigan, Development Director, EG, said the Flour Mill provided the perfect location and plenty of inspiration to celebrate the site’s unique history with an innovative event designed to showcase the best of the Inner West.
“Our project ‘The Flour Mill of Summer Hill’ provides a foundation for a new, dynamic and contemporary neighbourhood where old meets new,” said Mr Flannigan.
“It doesn’t hide the site’s history but celebrates it – we really wanted to highlight this by developing an exciting community event where we could pay homage to the retained heritage, while celebrating the local artisan food and beverage culture that’s synonymous with the Inner West.
“Even if the weather doesn’t rise to the occasion, the event will be held under cover, so we are really looking forward to the community enjoying this Australian first event.”

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