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BAD MOMS – Fundraising Movie Night – Monday 8th August

Want a night out, kid free, with your sisters, girlfriends or mothers group?
Please join us on Monday 8th August at 6.30pm – Event Cinemas Burwood to watch the much anticipated film BAD MOMS on an early release just for Inner West Mums!
A Bad Moms Movie Pass is $27.50, includes your first glass of wine and a chance to win a lucky door prize;

  • One of 4 – $50 Westfield vouchers
  • One of 2 double Event cinema passes value $50

That’s 6 prizes all up!
You can purchase your tickets here BAD MOMS PASS
The proceeds from this event will be donated to the Cappello Family including any further donations you wish to make at purchase point.
Ladies these tickets are limited so make it a much required night out to kick off the week!
Get a taste for what’s in store here BAD MOMS TRAILER

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