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Can We Help to Save the Australian Doula College?

For all mothers and supporters of birth choices for women and their babies.

Renee Adair is a fellow IWM and an amazing advocate for women, childbirth and post-natal care. ย Renee started the Australian Doula College (ADC) and the Doula Heart Network which has supported thousands of women, mothers and their families over the last decade.
The ADC is ย an immensely valuable resource to women, birthing mothers, their babies and our community.

The last 12 months have seen the ADC face an extremely costly legal battle over their lease for the premises in Rosebury and despite a ruling in their favour, they find themselves in a really difficult financial situation which now places the collegeโ€™s future in jeopardy.

The college is reaching out to their local community for your financial support to help recover and get back on their feet.

Renee and the team at the ADC love their work and want to continue to educate women and doulas to support women for their births here in Sydney and around Australia.

If you can please take a few minutes and click through to read their story and make a donation of any size which will positively contribute to keeping this valuable resource alive for all women and birthing women the ADC would really really appreciate it.

With a big heartfelt thank you.

The team @ ADC x

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