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Taryn Brumfitt

Embrace Kids screening at Hoyts Broadway

Broadway Shopping Centre is hosting a screening of the documentary Embrace Kids followed by a Q&A with the director.

This is aimed at children aged 9 to 14, but adults are welcome too!

Embrace Kids was created by Taryn Brumfitt in consultation with body image experts Dr Zali Yager and Dr Ivanka Prichard. It explores the topic of body image, tackling areasΒ such a social media, Photoshopping, role models and the influence of the media and advertising industries.

The film will be screened at Hoyts Broadway on Saturday September 3 at 11am. Brumfitt, who directed the film, will available for a Q&A session afterwards.

Tickets are $10 with all proceeds going towards The Body Confident Collective for its Embrace Hub initiative. This is a portal on the topic of body image, with specialised resources aimed at young people, parents, teachers and sporting coaches.

To book tickets visit:

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