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Explore Sydney Olympic Park From Your Couch!

Park LIVE is the new online way to experience Sydney Olympic Park wherever you are. Virtual bike tours, art exhibitions, kids activities, ranger programs for the little ones and health and well-being tips from professional athletes are just some of the great activities available online now with Park LIVE.

  • INSPIRE CREATIVITY with the Arts and Culture channel, featuring downloadable kids activity booklets, a virtual walk through the exclusive ARTEXPRESS exhibition, explore the different Art in the Park, arts and craft tutorials that you and your kids can do together and much more.
  • DISCOVER SYDNEY OLYMPIC PARK and learn about the legacy and uniqueness of its surrounding environments. The Learning and Discovery channel is home to the Mini Park Ranger program – encouraging kids and families how to make the most of their time outdoors – virtual excursions for schools, featured nature walks in the Badu Mangroves and tours such as the Brickpit. You will definitely learn and discover something you didn’t know before about Sydney Olympic Park!
  • GET ACTIVE on the Sports and Recreation channel. You can exercise with professional athletes as Kevin Lisch from the Sydney Kings, professional diver Melissa Wu, GWS Giants Matt Buntine and more. Jump on a virtual bike tour of Sydney Olympic Park and relax with some parkland meditation.

With new content online each week, Park LIVE is the new way to experience Sydney Olympic Park from home.

Check out Park LIVE now.

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