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What’s on these School Holidays at Sydney Olympic Park

Glide, tumble and explore your way through the Spring school holidays.

Laser tag, Segway tours and a BMX camp are just a few of the exciting and diverse activities that will be taking over Sydney Olympic Park, where there’s something different every day during the upcoming school holidays.

Kids of all ages are encouraged to get involved in some of the 50 different activities, camps and workshops taking place in the Park throughout the two-week break, kicking off on Monday 30 September.

Prices start from $16.50 (for a single class) and up to $50 (for a full-day camp).

Activities include:
• programs for netball, soccer, gymnastics, basketball
• writing and digital film-making workshops
• Fizzics Education – including sessions on Lego robotics, chemistry, CSI Forensics as well as lasers and light waves
• laser tag
• archery
• swimming, diving and water polo clinics
• circus workshops
• nature programs to discover more about Sydney Olympic Park’s animals, including spiders and birds
• self-guided hunts at the Armory

Bookings are essential as places are filling fast. For more information, or to book visit:

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