What with the rising cost of living, job uncertainty and the pressures of daily work and home responsibilities, many Inner West families are doing it tough right now.
But if you throw in the odd, unexpected events and the general ups and downs we all experience, then it becomes clear that having a good support system to draw upon in times of need is the key to being able to cope with this thing we call life.
However, knowing you need a good support system is one thing. Actually building one, on the other hand, is another thing entirely.
So, how can you go about creating a network of people you can rely on to assist you with challenges that test your emotional, physical and mental well-being?
Here is how Inner West families in Sydney can build stronger support systems that help all of its members.
The Inner West is renowned for being a diverse and close-knit community. Therefore, an easy way to strengthen your family’s support system might be to join one of its many established local community networks.
From Abbotsford to Ultimo, there are several community centres, parenting groups and neighbourhood associations you can join to connect you with other locals, many of whom are in similar circumstances to you.
As well as providing a support network of people you can talk to about any issues you might be experiencing, these groups often run a range of activities, such as workshops that can provide practical advice on how to deal with a specific situation. Additionally, they also usually run social events that can provide you with entertainment and create new bonds of friendship.
One notable group to consider joining is Mainly Music, which is an initiative run by the Salvation Army that provides a fun, interactive music session for preschool children, usually with a morning tea afterwards.
Others include the Men’s Shed, Connect Inner West, which provides social bus outings for those over the age of 65, and the PCYC (Police Community Youth Clubs).
For families that support children or adults with disabilities, particularly severe ones like Musculoskeletal system disorders, life can be particularly challenging. However, it is important to acknowledge that you don’t have to do everything alone.
Thankfully, in the Inner West there are a number of services of United For Care’s disability home care in Sydney that you can call upon to provide much-needed relief and support.
Drawing upon them can make it much easier to cope with the demands of physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities, as well as hearing or vision impairments and various mental health conditions.
Usually, these services can be tailored to support the individual needs of families. So, for example, if a member of your household has a physical disability, they might receive help with getting around and daily activities. Similarly, if someone has an intellectual disability, the support could focus on learning and communication.
Overall, the services available can range from personal care, nursing and domestic assistance to home maintenance, cleaning and transport. For many Inner West families, they can be an absolute godsend.
Support networks don’t just have to come in physical form. They can also be provided online. Thanks to brilliant advances in technology, there are now several platforms, apps and e-groups you can use to prevent the daily pressures of life overwhelming you.
For many families, Telehealth services are a convenient way to access medical advice without having to leave home, which is very useful if they have young children, much older adults or members living with a disability.
At the same time, there are hundreds of virtual communities, including Facebook groups for parents or caregivers, that can provide a valuable support network in a non-judgemental space. These are based locally and nationwide and can be terrific forums for receiving and giving advice, venting frustrations and getting support from people in similar situations.
It can be difficult to balance the responsibilities of looking after children with the need to earn money for your family. But, thankfully, in the Inner West of Sydney, there are a number of school and childcare-related support services you can utilise.
For instance, there are several before and after-school care services that provide working parents with the peace of mind that their children are in a safe, structured and fun environment while they are at work.
Additionally, there are several extracurricular programmes based around sports, music or other interests that can help your child develop skills and socialise with others while providing parents with valuable respite.
The Inner West is a multicultural area in which people of all faiths live. Therefore, if you are looking for support based on your spirituality, there are plenty of churches, mosques and temples, as well as services, group activities, and community events you can join that align with your religious beliefs.
To find them, your best bet is to contact your local council, do a Google search or ask other people you know who practise the same faith as you do for recommendations.