From 9 October 2023, all Inner West residents will be able to recycle food scraps including fruit and vegetable scraps, meat, dairy, grains and cooked leftovers along with grass, leaves and branches through the green lid bin, which will be collected weekly.
🌿 Food waste that rots in landfill produces potent methane that contributes enormously to climate change.
🌿 The carbon emissions saved by diverting food scraps from landfill across the Inner West will be equivalent to taking 8,360 cars off the road for a year.
🌿 The NSW Government has mandated that all councils introduce food recycling by 2030. The Inner West Council is one of the first in Sydney to implement this reflecting the Inner West community sentiment to combat climate change.
🌿 By introducing food recycling, the Council will save ratepayers more than $370,000 per year in landfill fees.
🌿 Food recycling is already available to all Inner West apartments and is working well.
🌿 From late September through to mid November, Council will be delivering a benchtop bin and compostable bin liners to every free-standing home in the Inner West.
🌿 You will need to separate your food scraps and put them into your green lid FOGO food recycling bin for collection every week.
🌿 If the benchtop bin has not arrived by 9 October, you can use any container to collect your food scraps for transfer to your green lid bin until your benchtop bin arrives.
From 9 October green lid FOGO food recycling bins will be collected weekly and the red lid garbage bins will be collected fortnightly.
For more information on food recycling in the Inner West visit Inner West Council Food Recycling.