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July 2018 School Holiday Inspiration

There’s so much on offer for these July school holidays. Here is a selection of exciting holiday workshops and camps based in Sydney’s Inner West to keep your kids’ minds and bodies occupied. Remember to book in advance to avoid disappointment! 
ArtSpark Studio
ArtSpark Studio, located in Rozelle, is running art and sewing workshops from Monday 9 July to Friday 20 July. A full-day workshop for primary school aged children costs $120. Morning or afternoon workshops are $70. Extended care is available (9–1o am and 4–5pm) at $10 per hour for full-day and afternoon workshop participants. There is a discount rate available for siblings, cousins or multiple days bookings within the same holiday workshop period. For more details and bookings, see here.

Begina Education Centre
Begina Education Centre, based in Lidcombe, is running a school holiday program for both weeks of the July school holidays. The program includes English and maths workshops, music lessons, art activities, a STEM workshop, a chess workshop and LEGO fun time. Pricing is $50 for a half day (9 am–12 pm or 2–6 pm) or $220 for a half-day weekly pass and $90 for a full day (9 am–6 pm) or $440 for a full-day weekly pass. Book here.
Beyond Distinction

Beyond Distinction is an afterschool sports and music academy for school-aged children (Kindergarten to Year 6) in the Concord/Cabarita areas. Beyond Distinction’s winter school holiday program runs from Monday 9 July to Thursday 12 July, with activities including a junior golf clinic, Sydney Observatory excursion, storybook workshop, LEGO STEM day and more. The program is suited to students from Kindergarten to Year 5. Drop-off is from 8.30 am–4 pm daily, with morning and afternoon tea covered each day. Care until 6 pm is available and there are multi-day discounts. To book, visit the website or call 0457 588 812. There is an early bird offer available for bookings by 20 June 2018.

Croydon Tennis Centre
Croydon Tennis Centre is running tennis and multisport camps throughout the July school holidays. Programs run from 9 am–3 pm with before and after care available between 8 and 9 am and 3 and 6 pm.  Prices vary – more details on the programs are available here. Bookings can be made online here.

GymKidz in Newtown is running Winter Holiday Camps for girls and boys aged 4–8 years from Monday 9 July to Friday 13 July. The holiday program runs from 9 am–3pm and costs $80 per day. Email for more information.

Kids in Common Winter Vacation Care

This Camperdown-based vacation care program offers fun, varied opportunities for kids aged 512 throughout the school holidays. Utilising the facilities of both Camperdown Commons and Camperdown Tennis, the program includes slime, water games, cooking, farming, drama, cartooning, yoga, martial arts, dance, basketball, soccer and tennis. Morning or afternoon sessions cost $50; the full day is $80. Free aftercare is available for full-day bookings. For the program and booking information, click here.

Dance Domain Active Arts

Dance Domain’s Active Arts Holiday Workshop is back these July school holidays, running over four days from 10–13 July. Students will get moving and creating in a massive range of active and arty activities including painting, dance, drama, rock climbing, trapeze and self-defence. The workshop is designed as a four-day comprehensive program, but you can book one, two or three days if you prefer. Activities run from 9 am–3 pm each day, with early drop-off available from 8.30 am and free aftercare until 5 pm! The cost is $330 for four days; $255 for three days; $175 for two days or $95 for one day. For more information check out the website.
DaVinci Hub
Extracurricular learning centre DaVinci Hub, in Five Dock, is running various coding, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) and drama school holiday workshops from Monday 9 July to Friday 13 July for students from Kindergarten to Year 10. Earlybird prices are available if you book before 22 June. For more information and bookings, click here.

Jellybeanstreet holds children’s finger painting workshops at the Inner West Institute of Music during school holidays and turns their finger paintings into fine art to help support children’s charities. To have your own child’s artwork transformed into a modern masterpiece, book a workshop for your child here.

Leap into Literacy

Do you want to help increase your child’s confidence in reading by learning phonics and letter-to-sound correspondences? Sign up for July school holiday classes at Leap into Literacy! The activities that will be covered during the lessons include phonemic awareness with practical examples, the phonics alphabet, phonics from letter-to-sound (for reading), phonograms and word families, handwriting – letter formation and penmanship, how to syllabicate words, and strategies for improving spelling. Classes are available for children in Years K–2 and in Years 2–4. Classes will be based on ages and ability and are limited to seven students. To find out more and book, please visit the website.

Modern Warriors Winter Camp: Study Skills and Self Defence for High School Girls 
This is an all-girls self-defence and study camp for girls aged 12 to 18 years held from 1620 July in a quiet bush setting on the Northern Beaches. The camp gives high school aged girls exposure to a variety of martial arts and self-defence techniques. At night the students can relax by the campfire or join in theatre sports. There is an emphasis on delicious, healthy food.
Students in Years 11 and 12 have their own dorm and study space with an open log fire. There is supervised study and tutoring in all major HSC subjects from 9 am2 pm before joining the afternoon martial arts sessions. It’s the perfect opportunity to study effectively for Year 11 exams or HSC trials in a supportive environment. The cost is $350 including meals, accommodation and tutoring. There is a 15% for Inner West Mums members. Places are strictly limited. For more information contact Modern Warriors.

Paper Rock Scissors Art Studio
Paper Rock Scissors Art Studio in Rozelle is running half- and full- day programs throughout the July school holidays. Inner West Mum Prue Burnstein and the students will tackle a range of appealing themes including fairy gardens, dream catchers, unicorns and dragons, llamas, bees, super heroes, The Greatest Showman, Van Gogh’s starry night, outer space to produce stunning art and craft projects. Morning sessions are from 9 am–12 pm; afternoon sessions are from 2–5 pm; the whole day is 9 am–5 pm with extended hours available (8.30 am–5.30 pm). There are separate Kindergarten–Year 2 and Years 3-6 sessions as well as some open-age sessions. The full holiday program is available here. A half day costs $60; the full day costs $120. Book your child’s place at Paper Rock Scissors Art Studio’s website. For enquiries, phone 0423 206 090.

PCYC Marrickville
PCYC Marrickville has an exciting holiday sports program for kids aged 613 on both weeks of the July school holidays. The schedule includes a ninja obstacle course, basketball skills clinic, laser tag, soccer challenge and multisports gala day (including basketball, dodgeball, volleyball, futsal and other court sports). The holiday program runs from 8.30 am3 pm and costs $55. Extended camp hours (3 pm6 pm) cost $25.  There is a 10% discount for multiple children. To book, call 9559 7722 or register online.

Speech and Language Sydney

This July Speech and Language Sydney is running two holiday programs, Girls Social Skills and Lego Based Therapy, led by a specialist speech pathologist. The Girls Social Skills program, intended for girls aged 4–6 years, will be held at Studio You in Birchgrove on Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 July from 10–11.30 am. The girls’ social skills program will encourage the use of social thinking through a range of highly engaging activities linked to individual interests. The Lego Based Therapy Holiday Building Project will run on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 July from 10.30 am–12 pm, also at Studio You, Birchgrove. Each program costs $150 for the two sessions. The sessions are claimable on FACSIA/HCWA/Better Start/self-managed NDIS. To book email or phone 0448 242 460.

Story Squad
Story Squad is holding three holiday workshops that are bound to capture your child’s imagination. The Young Authors workshop, on Monday 9 July at Balmain Scout Hall, is for kids aged 8–12 who love creative writing. The Mystery at Glessner Grammar, on Tuesday 10 July at Drummoyne Guides Hall, also for kids aged 8–12 years, will have your child solving a crime then creating their own mystery story. And the Mini Spy School workshop, for kids aged 5–8 years at Balmain Scout Hall, will put your child’s secret agent skill into use. All three workshops run from 9 am–3 pm and cost $85. For more information about Story Squad’s holiday workshops and online booking, see here.

Sydney Tennis Coaching
Sydney Tennis Coaching is running tennis camps during the school holidays in the weeks commencing Monday 9 and Monday 16 July at Burwood Park Tennis Courts. The camps are a great way for kids to stay active, improve gross motor skills and learn the basics of the tennis. The camps are from 9 am to 3 pm, with an optional early drop-off at 8 am. The camps are open to all children aged 5–12 years. The cost is $40 per day or $180 per week 0r $10 per hour when booked casually. To find out more, go to

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