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Take Control Over the Effects of a Concussion, Whiplash or Head Injury

Have you or your child had a concussion, whiplash or head injury and are suffering from ongoing symptoms and difficulty at school, play or work?
Most of us think that a concussion results only from a severe hit causing a loss of consciousness. The reality is most concussions are the result of rather mild, and sometimes trivial trauma to the head (and neck) from either a fall, sports injury or motor vehicle accident, amongst others.
If you bumped your head from an accident or fall, you know that it can it be painful for a while. For most, the symptoms subside and we get on with life. Unfortunately for a significant number, symptoms can persist and have a real effect on daily activities. Post-concussion syndrome is a real, often misdiagnosed and generally very poorly managed condition affecting many children and adults. It’s gaining more recent attention in the media from high-profile sporting athletes suffering catastrophic effects later in life, as well as concerns with children from certain impact sports.
At Brain Hub – a clinic dedicated to the management of dizziness and concussion – we see many children and adults with ongoing symptoms and a poor quality of life following a whiplash, concussion or head injury.

As a result of multiple sites of brain injury following a concussion, frequently reported symptoms include:

  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • Brain fog and poor concentration
  • Headaches, migraines and a sore neck
  • Blurred vision and poor balance
  • Poor sleep and fatigue
  • Sensitivity to light, noise and movement

Success outcomes always start with accurate assessment of function. To be able to objectively measure, benchmark and review progress is vital with concussion care. Our clinic offers the latest diagnostic testing technology to gain a better understanding of brain function and impairment, thus guiding us with therapy. Some of the technology we offer includes:

  • Heart Rate Variability – assist to identify autonomic response to stress
  • Computerised Balance Testing – measures body awareness and postural control
  • Videonystagmography (VNG) – traces eye movements which have an impact on reading, writing, and attention
  • Video Head Impulse Test (VHIT) – measures function of the vestibular system
  • Computerised neurocognitive testing – measures visual and verbal memory, reaction time and alertness
  • QEEG Brain Mapping – measures electrical activity of the brain, connectivity and biomarkers of concussion
  • HUMAC Balance System – helps to improve body awareness, balance, and sport performance
  • Neuro-Sensorimotor Integrator – helps improve attention, eye movements, hand–eye coordination, balance and cognitive function
  • Nutritional, dietary and lifestyle advice

Once we have completed our comprehensive assessment, we tailor an individual neuro-rehabilitation program based on your goals and examination findings, aimed at improving symptoms and function.
To see whether Brain Hub clinic has the solution your looking for, call 1300 770 197 or email to schedule a complimentary (and no obligation) 15-minute phone call with clinic director Dr Carlo Rinaudo (chiropractor and PhD candidate).
We look forward to hearing from you and helping you better understand and manage concussion, whiplash and head injuries.
Brain Hub – a dizziness and concussion clinic is based in Gladesville and Leichhardt.
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