Parents – When it comes to your kids loving real food: Is there a challenge you’re experiencing at the moment at home? Or out and about at parties? Fussiness? Variety? Getting them to EAT? Them never feeling satisfied and asking you for food all the time? Helping them transition to more produce / less packets but being at a loss as to how to script it to get them on board?
🍒Thrive: Raising Kids Who Love Real Food, starts this Wednesday for our only live-coached round for 2018 – it’s our 6th round of the course and 1500 past-student parents have taken the course and SO many success stories and lightbulb moments!
You can register HERE
Here are the 10 core topics:
✔️Pantry & produce basics + breakfast – thinking outside of the cereal box!
✔️The importance of a good family meal time
✔️Immune function and gut health
✔️Fussy Eating
✔️Mindful Eating
✔️Nutrient density – Bye bye hollow legs and “I’m huuuunnnnggggrrrrrryyyy!”
✔️Body Image – never too young nor too late!
✔️How to do ‘real food’ out there – at school, at parties and play dates.
✔️Lifetime access option with amazing bonus interviews, so that you don’t need to stay on top of it all if it’s a busy time for you. Choose your focus topics, come back to other ones later… No stress!
So if food is an issue in any way for you related to the above, it really is such a good course to help you navigate things better with mine and Brenda’s help, and the support and help of like minded parents as you all go through the course together.
So if food is an issue in any way for you related to the above, it really is such a good course to help you navigate things better with mine and Brenda’s help, and the support and help of like minded parents as you all go through the course together.
You can sign up HERE