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$10 Off and FREE Delivery for Inner West Mums

An online farmers market giving you direct access to the farmers paddocks. Based from a farm on the outskirts of Dunedoo – it’s a collaboration with farmers & artisans from the Central West NSW, with food being sourced from the surrounding areas of Mudgee, Orange & Dubbo. Fruits & Vegetables are sourced from an organic marketplace with locally grown seasonal sourced when available.
Our products are all of single origin – you will know the farmer who grew & raised your food. All It’s a great way to support your farmer and eat amazing quality food which taste great. This really is a true paddock to plate experience.
How we work: you order & pay online -> Suburban Paddock notifies the farmer of your order -> he or she then harvest and prepares your order – > suburban paddock collects from the farmer and delivers to your door. It’s the best way to weekly shop.
Inner West Mums can enjoy $10 and FREE delivery, just put inner west mums in the comment section.
And…pssssst…. I think I may have also negotiated a sweet surprise for you with  each delivery 😉

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