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Anita Vitanova posting a note to a neighbour

Note to Neighbour

This is the time we need the community to come together.

After speaking with Darcy Byrne from the Inner West Council on how we can work together to help those members of the community that are not on social media, we came up with the idea of sending a note to your neighbour.

We have designed this note that this community can print out and post in the letterbox of your neighbours. We don’t know who is self isolating, we don’t know who has a disability and can’t go to the shops, we don’t know who finds this situation extremely challenging.

Please print out the note, fill it out and post it to your neighbours. No need to ring the bell or knock on the door, reduce the human contact but tell your neighbours you can run some errands for them.

There may be a case that a few of our elderly will end up with a few notes, but how lovely is it to know that someone cares about them. And whoever finds the note first runs the errands.

We also ask you not to go around your whole neighbourhood, but only do this in your street. We know how much this community wants to help in crisis like this, so feel free to share this far and wide.

Note to Neighbour

Download and print Note to Neighbour

Let’s support one another.

Anita & the Inner West Mums Team x

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