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POWer Up Challenge - Doctors and nurses at the Prince of Wales Hospital

Up for a Challenge? POWer Up! With the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation

This year marks the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation’s inaugural POWer Up! Challenge, an annual fundraising event to support the healthcare heroes at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Between the 14 and 20 September, the POWer Up! Challenge will see participants pledge to complete 30km ‘their way’ – whether that’s walking, running or even swimming or cycling.

Encouraging all Australians to POWer UP!, is rugby league legend, sports commentator and local resident, Braith Anasta.

Braith says, “I’m thrilled to be on board as a POWer Up! Challenge ambassador, helping the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation support and fundraise for our healthcare heroes – the incredible doctors, nurses and staff on the frontline. As we still face uncertainty and restrictions in the current climate, the POWer Up! Challenge encourages people to stay active and positive, all while raising money for a fantastic cause. Our healthcare workers are everyday superheroes, and many would walk over 30km in a working week. Participating in the POWer Up! Challenge is a great way to show gratitude for everything they do to support our community.”

Helen Appleton, Community Engagement Manager at the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation says, “The POWer Up! Challenge has been designed to be as flexible and accessible as possible given the implications associated with COVID-19 so that everyone and anyone can be involved while adhering to social distancing. It’s a wonderful opportunity to improve your own health, fitness and wellbeing, while supporting our healthcare heroes – it’s really a win-win. Participants are also invited to supercharge their challenge (and have a bit of fun) by wearing a superhero suit as they complete the 30km feat!”

Every dollar raised through the POWer Up! Challenge will go towards delivering new virtual models of care, such as telehealth services, that support patients and staff at the Prince of Wales Hospital.

POWer Up Challenge Poster

Take on the POWer Up! Challenge with the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation today!

Further information:

To sign up, donate or seek further information, visit:
#POWERUP2020 #powhf

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