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Jaime Teoh from OneArt Studio

Getting to Know: Jaime Teoh from OneArt Studio

Jaime Teoh took a side step away from her career in the advertising industry to pass on her skills and experience to children. Her art classes at OneArt Studio in Petersham focus on creative problem solving, self-expression and thinking outside the box. Breaking the rules is encouraged too!

Tell us a little bit about yourself

For many years I worked as an art director/graphic designer in advertising agencies. Art has always been at the centre of what I do. I love to create things and be different. After having children I made the decision to take a step back, and refocus my career. I now work in advertising on a freelance basis, while also growing my studio and spending more time with my kids.  After all, life is too short for anything less! And I’m finding working for myself much more fulfilling than working for others.

What do you love most about what you do?

I love to help and encourage kids who love art. I love to see their skills grow. I love listening to their ideas and imaginations. I believe kids need to be seen and heard because art-based children are wired-differently. I also love to guide them in seeing the possibilities of creating a good piece of art. Art is where you can explore, break the rules, do something different.

What path led you to choosing this career?

I’ve always loved art. It’s where I can express myself. We are all individuals and learn at a different pace. Our approach has always been based on individual skills and pace.  As a mother of two young kids, I understand children need to unleash their creativity and imagination and not be suppressed. Learning art teaches the importance of exploration and enhancing creativity that will eventually help them in the future.

Are there benefits to children in establishing and maintaining a regular art practice?

Definitely.  It helps them think outside the box. Each art piece will have its own challenges and it’s only through regular practice that you’re able to train your mind to use a different approach. It will also train your observation skills, sensitivity towards colour, shapes and form, perspective, composition and lighting.

What kind of reactions do you get from adults who are picking up a paintbrush or molding clay for the first time since high school?

“OMG! I’ve always wanted to do this but never have the time or didn’t get to it….” is what I get….and all of a sudden, they became like a child, in a good way! It’s like it has reignited their long lost passion.

What’s the most interesting commission you’ve ever undertaken?

To create interesting point-of-sale displays for consumer products, ensuring they stand out from the crowd. I put lots of love and passion into whatever I do.

Favourite places in the inner west?

Carriageworks Farmers Market

OneArt Studio,  Shop 28/301-313 Stanmore Road, Petersham,

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