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Getting to Know: Sasha Dumaresq of The Uniqueness Project

When motherhood forced Sasha Dumaresq to remove her mask of perfectionism, she was forced to get to know the person behind the awards and business success and discover who she really was. That led to a career in business coaching and now the launch of her latest venture, The Uniqueness Project. Find out how removing those masks and embracing our uniqueness can be a life changing superpower.

Tell us a little about yourself and your business

I’m Sasha, mum to three girls aged 10, eight and six and married to Canadian/ Australian builder Jason (we met in a cowboy bar when I was made bold by a costume and shots.) We’ve been inner westies for 10 years now and love the community. The friends we’ve made here will be lifelong.

I’ve been a life and career coach for nearly five years and am in the exciting pre-launch phase of a new business, The Uniqueness Project.

What’s The Uniqueness Project all about?

It’s an entrepreneurial coaching business and social enterprise that helps people from all walks of life experience the freedom and joy of unmasking themselves and embracing their uniqueness as their superpower.

I work with people who want more in their lives—more success, love, money, more fulfilling careers, better relationships. I help you show the world who you really are, so you can stop chasing perfectionism, stop hearing that judgmental dialogue or rejecting bits of who you are.

I know some people can afford support and others can’t. That’s why the main product of The Uniqueness Project will be assistance for causes I’m passionate about—under privileged women and children, refugees and LGBTQ+ communities facing discrimination.

Why is this important to you?

Because I was one of the people who felt exhausted and disconnected and now know how wonderful it feels on the other side. I was a corporate highflier who loved the cut and thrust of corporate life—winning awards, achieving KPIs and generally powering through any feelings I may have had as an inconvenience. I wore the mask of perfectionism, of an infallible strong woman.

Then I had three babies in under four years and suddenly I was a stay-at-home mum, torn between my love of work and contribution, and the love I felt for my babies. I wore masks to cope—at day care, with my husband, with my family and friends. I was crumbling inside and no one seemed to notice.

A chance meeting led me to a life coach and deep diving into personal development gave me not just a new career but shifted my axis and those masks. I connected to myself and others, my business thrived, my clients’ results went through the roof and I dropped perfectionism and allowed myself to be human. It’s really powerful and I love supporting others to do it too.

What do you love most about what you do?

The immense changes that occur within my clients. This is the absolute pinnacle of why I do what I do. When I see their lives transform, internal worlds enrichen, and external worlds—relationships, career—align with how they feel on the inside. They become settled, calm, accepting and brimming with potential and confidence.

There’s nothing more fulfilling than to see my clients embrace their uniqueness, step into their personal power and create the life they want.

 What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given, either personal or career-wise?

Gosh, so much advice over these incredible years. A recent one that has been so powerful and has helped me create The Uniqueness Project is a friend and mentor, Dan, saying, “we have to stand for something” and to “think from the wish fulfilled”. It means we stand up for what we believe in, and we create action and waves from the outcome we’re wishing to achieve.

Favourite places in the inner west?

Balmain, of course! Balmain East foreshore and the walk from Balmain East, around to the anchor, through the houses to Mort Bay and on to Ballast Point and Birchgrove Oval. A fantastic neighbourhood walk and long enough to get immersed into an audio book or podcast.

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